Risk Navigator SRM© is a ten-step risk management program based on the strategic planning process. The Risk Navigator SRM© program was developed to make risk management accessible to typical agricultural producers. The ten steps are designed to integrate disparate and difficult risk management concepts into a single system that is easy to use, yet still effective.
Risk Navigator SRM© is housed on a public website at RiskNavigatorSRM.com. The website includes detailed descriptions about a ten-step strategic risk management program and 25 customized computer tools to help decision makers with each step. The site also includes links to complementary educational materials, such as a risk practice simulator called AgSurvivor, a comprehensive book titled Applied Risk Management in Agriculture. The book includes a comprehensive discussion about risk management, matched to the ten steps and includes a case study to demonstrate each step. With the aid of computers and the internet, producers can work through each step toward a final comprehensive plan.
This blog is a forum for three of the primary authors of the Risk Navigator SRM© materials to share their thoughts and experiences pertaining to risk management. Dana Hoag, Jay Parsons and Duane Griffith share responsibility for this blog and welcome your comments to their posts.
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